Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fill your cup...

If your cup is half empty and you don't take time to fill it up, not only will you have nothing to give to others, you yourself will be empty. Take time to fill your own cup and let everyone else have what overflows. By taking care of yourself, you end up having much more to offer others, and everyone gets to feel full and happy.

Don't lose a moment...

Plans worth making are plans worth keeping. Don't lose a moment, you will never get it back.

Don't repair your roof in the rain!

The best time to repair your roof is on a nice sunny day, NOT in the rain. So many times we wait until we are in crisis to work on ourselves. If you have a fear of flying, you don't wait til you are on the plane to try and overcome it. Get some help and face those challenges so you can get on the plane without fear! When you are feeling great and full of confidence, that is the best time to do some self reflection and work on any challenges you face.
Trying to repair your roof in the rain often only leads to an old tarp with some tires on it rather than nice new, strong shingles.